
Raditladi basin on Mercury

Raditladi - NASA
Raditladi basin on the planet Mercury

The Raditladi basin on Mercury is believed to be a relatively young formation, showing very few impact craters. The crater has a diameter of 257.7 km (160.1 miles). This eleven colour view of Raditladi was taken by the MESSENGER spacecraft using its Wide Angle Camera (WAC) and more clearly shows the depressions (also called hollows) within the basin, shown by the areas in white.


Geyser basin on Enceladus

Enceladus - NASA
Cassini shoots this geyser basin in Enceldaus’ south pole.

The narrow angle camera on-board the Cassini orbiter took this picture of Saturn’s moon Enceldaus as it was looking across the moon’s south pole. The geyser basin includes three fractures that have been identified (and named) by various scientists and which provide us with this “light show” of jets escaping from the geysers.


Lunokhod crater on Mars

Lunokhod Crater - NASA
Opportunity rover explores the Lunokhod 2 crater on Mars

The panoramic camera on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover took this picture of the 20 feet wide Lunokhod 2 crater. The Opportunity Rover approaches this area which is in the western rim of Endeavour Crater. Along with the now familiar reddish-brown, desert like Martian landscape, we can also see the rover’s rear solar arrays and a calibration target used to tweak its panoramic camera. This picture was taken on April 24, 2014 which was Opportunity’s 3,644th Martian day of exploration. This exploratory drive and every one since then, see Opportunity make new records for the longest travel on wheels on a celestial word, other than Earth. It surpassed the Soviet Union’s Lunokhod 2 rover’s exploits on our Moon.


Supermoon over Toronto

Supermoon -
Supermoon over Toronto, Canada

It looked like a spotlight shining down on us from the night sky. Over this past weekend, the moon was closest to the Earth and visibly brighter and larger when viewed through the naked eye. This picture was taken in the city of Toronto and even though there are many better pictures of the supermoon from this past weekend, it does show the full moon. A telephoto lens was definitely called for!


Comet Catalina

Comet Cataline - NASA
Comet Catalina (Comet C/2013 UQ4) photographed by the NEOWISE telescope

Comet Catalina (C/2013 UQ4) was originally being tracked as an asteroid but later turned out to be a comet. This latest discovery was made earlier this year by Artyom Novichonok (who also helped discover Comet ISON) and Taras Prystavski using a remote telescope in Siding Spring, Australia. Comet Catalina was closest to the Sun (at its perihelion) on July 6, 2014 and was extremely active shortly thereafter. This image was taken by NASA’s asteroid hunting NEOWISE space survey program.
